What not to eat before a morning run
What not to eat before a morning run Even if you normally run in the morning…

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Fitnes at home
To ensure that your figure was in perfect shape it is not necesary to visit…

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How useful breathing exercises
Normal breathing of a person is very superficial and only captures a third of the…



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The energy cost of movement as an indicator organism adaptation to physical loads

The energy cost of movement as an indicator organism adaptation to physical loads

Main – Articles about sports – the Energy cost of movement as an indicator organism adaptation to physical loads

Dudorova E. V.

It is known that in the training sesions is the physiological adaptation of the body systems to physical activity and this adaptation is expresed. first of all. in optimizing the energy cost of movement.
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Chocolate milk better than an energy drink allows you to recover after a workout has proven physiologists

Chocolate milk better than an energy drink allows you to recover after a workout has proven physiologists

Chocolate milk helps to restore strength and muscle after physical exercise is much better than the special carbohydrate sports drinks, discovered by American specialists. Experts agree that after reinforced sports need to give the body a two-hour rest, to stay in good shape for the next workout.

Scientists company Weber Shandwick presented at the conference of the American College of sports medicine evidence that low-fat chocolate milk helps the body to maintain, enhance and restore the muscles.
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The energy cost of movement as an indicator organism adaptation to physical loads
The energy cost of movement as an indicator organism adaptation to physical loads Main -…

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Food for cyclic sports
In this article we will talk about sports, which are characterized by cyclic movement: swimming,…


Apples a Lot of Useful Properties for the Rusians!
Apples: nutritional value and caloric content Well, here we got to the article about the…
