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Physical activity. How to extract maximum value MAX-BODY

Physical activity. How to extract the maximum benefit?

Well-known and proven benefits of physical activity on the human body. Daily gymnastics, running, aerobics. team games, stretching, dancing, and more help to keep the body in good shape. Unfortunately, a lot of going in for physical culture once a week or a month, not be aware of the lack of a training effect.

In order to achieve a visible effect of exercise and don’t hurt yourself, is to read some of the scientific foundations of physical education.

Physical exertion causes the body to enter a state of physiological stres,

and then, returning to the original level, our biological system will be held according to the law of supercompensation 4 phases:

Phase power consumption. In this phase there is an active physical load on the body.

Restorative phase. The body replenishes the reserves of energy spent.

Phase supercompensation (overreduction).

Return to the original level.

In more detail, consider the third phase. She characterized the ability of a person to productive repetition workout. During this period, the body is able to recover above the level from which it started the power consumption. If in this phase to give physical activity, without waiting for the return to the original level, the effects of exercise increases, increases stamina. With regular loads in the third phase, you will feel maximum results from exercise, it will help for a long time to stay in tune with your body.

Thus, when you plan your schedule of physical activity, keep in mind that their regularity is the key to your succes.

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