Free team chat app for businesses to keep everyone on the same page
Eliminate all the calls and texts, manage your team easily in a single place with Coast to work faster and more effectively together.
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See why 10,000+ businesses use Coast to streamline their team communications

See why 10,000+ businesses use Coast to streamline their team communications
Coast keeps the whole team (multiple retail stores, bakery, office and delivery) on the same page. It replaces so many emails, texts, and phone calls daily for us.

Jeff Magness
COO Doughnut Plant
Set your team up for success
Communicate better with your entire team
Dealing with text messages and emails in ten places? With Coast, you can turn to one tool to quickly communicate with every member of your team — either individually and in organized chat groups — without ever having to share a phone number.

Know who has read your messages
Whenever you send a message, assign a task, or schedule a shift, you'll be able to see who has seen it or not — making your staff more accountable for their work.

Get work done
In Coast, every chat group includes a list that can used to create and assign tasks, checklists, procedures, or process to your staff to get work done. Your staff will automatically be notified when they're assigned to a task and you'll get notified when the task is completed.

Find what you need quickly
Everything in chat groups — including messages, tasks, schedules, and files — become searchable in Coast. You can find exactly what you’re looking for no matter who shared it or when.