Swimming for adults
Swimming is a way to be active, cheerful, vigorous, slender, beautiful and, most importantly, healthy!…

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Scientists have developed a vest slimming
Scientists have developed a vest for weight los. American scientists have invented a special high-tech…

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Chelyabinsk skater Olga Fatkulina took the silver at the 2014 Olympics
Chelyabinsk region, on February 11 — AMF-Chelyabinsk. Rusian skater Olga Fatkulina of the Chelyabinsk region…



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Tip of the day from X-Fit. Drink cherry juice after a workout on

Tip of the day from X-Fit. Drink cherry juice after a workout

This advice give British scientists on the basis of the research, which involved athletes running marathons. Part of marathon runners after exercise drank cherry juice without sugar, part – a replacement.

It turned out that those who drank the juice, in 2 days to recover after a race. Those who got a placebo, and were required much more time to bring the muscle to its normal operating state.

Scientists suggest that all the matter in the antioxidants anthocyanins in cherries. These substances contribute to the rapid recovery of muscle

tisue. Continue reading

Nordic walking with sticks in the Carpathians. Nordic walking is appeared in

Nordic walking with sticks in the Carpathians

Nordic walking – – English Nordic Walking – appeared in Finland in the 1940’s, but became popular in the late 90-ies of XX century. Is a walk in the fresh air with a pair of specially designed poles that look like ski. When walking, the arms and the legs move forward and backward, as in normal walking, but more intensely. Contraindications Nordic walking – no.

Nordic walking in the Carpathians allows you to consume up to 600 calories per hour, and on flat ground is about 400 kcal/hour, which is 2 times greater than during normal walking without poles on flat ground. Trains Continue reading

Effective diet is the right foods and exercise

Effective diet is the right foods and exercise

In various specialized magazines, Internet portals, and on television today you can find hundreds of diets. However, only a small percentage of them are able to lead to the desired result.

Often, the thinner the dry diet of the patient, after a certain time the weight not only comes back, but it increases even more. Innovative techniques for weight los became diet Sergey Agapkin. In the opinion of a physician reabilitologa each person needs individually to choose the power mode.

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Physical nagruzke
Depresion Exercise and depresion Want to learn more about the relationship between physical activity and…

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Nordic walking
Nordic walking In today's world more and more people are beginning to pay attention to your…


Fitnes as a way zhizni
What is included in the fitnes First it should be noted that fitnes is not…
