Nordic walking
Nordic walking In today's world more and more people are beginning to pay attention to your…

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Apples a Lot of Useful Properties for the Rusians!
Apples: nutritional value and caloric content Well, here we got to the article about the…

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Effective diet is the right foods and exercise
Effective diet is the right foods and exercise In various specialized magazines, Internet portals, and…



Physical activity control body weight by influencing the secretion of intestinal hormones before and

The researchers, who report at the July conference of the Society for the study of eating behavior, held in the USA have suggested that physical activity normalize body weight by influencing the level

hormones secreted by the before and after eating.

Earlier studies have shown that active exercises, like running, increase the body’s sensitivity to leptin, a hormone secreted by cells of adipose

tisue and suppreses appetite.

According to the scientists from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore during the present study they were able to shed light on previously unknown mechanisms that may make physical activity an effective way to control body weight. Continue reading

Food for cyclic sports

In this article we will talk about sports, which are characterized by cyclic movement: swimming, Bicycle racing, rowing and running. Of course, within each group there are some differences, which we will discus and make recommendations on the optimal diet.

Not everyone is running the same! The nature of the work of the muscles when running at different distances significantly different. If for distances up to 200 meters is speed-power load, maximum power, at ranges over 1000 meters, the body goes into almost completely aerobic mode. You ever seen an athlete showing equally good results in the sprint and the Continue reading

Scientists have calculated the ideal physical exercise for human – health and Beauty – Man

A person needs time in the day to do one hundred steps per minute for half an hour in order to achieve a moderate level of physical activity, say U.S. scientists.

To such conclusion researchers from the University of San Diego came after studying the condition of the body several dozen people walking on the moving walkway at the gym.

The experiments were quite complex, since, according to scientists, regular

pedometer does not give data on the intensity physical activity.

In their work, the team of researchers tried to resolve long-standing disputes about what kind of daily physical activity can be considered adequate to maintain health and but for this we need to work in the garden, walk or run. Continue reading

Scientists have developed a vest slimming
Scientists have developed a vest for weight los. American scientists have invented a special high-tech…

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Fitnes as a lifestyle
For keeping fit, there are easy Wellnes coaching, occupying 3-4 hours a week. If you…


Swimming for adults
Swimming is a way to be active, cheerful, vigorous, slender, beautiful and, most importantly, healthy!…
