Apples a Lot of Useful Properties for the Rusians!
Apples: nutritional value and caloric content Well, here we got to the article about the…

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Warm-up for working sitting
"Sedentary" lifestyle currently leads probably half the population. Many work in the modern world are…

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Fitnes watches and brasery with heart rate monitor - buy smart watches for fitnes in brand
The fitnes watch will give you the perfect physical form A watch that can do…



Fitnes at home

To ensure that your figure was in perfect shape it is not necesary to visit the gym. Fitnes at home will bring not les effect, however, you need to approach the choice of the complex and to observe some rules.

A bit of fitnes at home.

Spring sneaks up on you, no matter what we want. But with the approach of spring comes the understanding that trendy skirt for some reason does not

converge, the scale shows an unrealistic figure, and all you need to do something. There is one proven tool that will help to return to normal. The tool is fitnes. But fitnes is not only exercise, but also a certain lifestyle. This way of life must be filled with thoughts about what a win over him will bring a sense of joy and pride for their succeses! Continue reading

Increased mental and physical exertion, chronic fatigue

Increased mental and physical activity is administered to the human body in a state of stres. In turn, prolonged stres often leads to chronic fatigue syndrome. For dealing with stres in our body are responsible adrenal hormones, particularly cortisol. Depending on the stage of stres, the adrenal glands make too much cortisol or too little.

Cortisol influences most cells that participate in immune proceses, especially on lymphocytes. Exces cortisol decreases the rate at which the lymphocytes multiply and accelerates their programmed death. When the level of this hormone will rise significantly – for example, during the

acute reactions of anxiety, lymphocytes in the blood almost disappear. That’s why the human immune system is under stres, is strongly suppresed. Continue reading

Fitnes is a lifestyle – Fitnes-club Titan

Fitnes is a way of life

The word fitnes is often used as one of the types of aerobics as an exercise. However, it is not so. Actually fitnes is a lifestyle, maintaining the body and mind in good shape.

Included in fitnes the basics of aerobics, callanetics, strength training and exercise at the gym. These sesions are very effective, because it involves all muscle groups, and it is posible to vary the load level.

Fitnes can take anywhere and anytime. For example, in the summer at the fitnes club or in the countryside, and in winter you can buy figure skates

and skate on the ice perfecting your figure. Continue reading

Scientists have calculated the ideal physical exercise for human - health and Beauty - Man
A person needs time in the day to do one hundred steps per minute for…

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Preparation of tires for competition.
Over the past few years, the "control tyre" (spec tire, the control tire) in the…


The energy cost of movement as an indicator organism adaptation to physical loads
The energy cost of movement as an indicator organism adaptation to physical loads Main -…
