Warm-up for working sitting
"Sedentary" lifestyle currently leads probably half the population. Many work in the modern world are…

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The raw food diet, fasting, proper diet, healthy lifestyle, cleansing the body from parasites
Notes of a former raw-foodists Healthier hair I have oily hair . How many years…

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Physical nagruzke
Depresion Exercise and depresion Want to learn more about the relationship between physical activity and…



What to eat before a race

Proper nutrition should always be observed. But what to do if You have competitions? How and what to eat? Correct feeding, in the absence of which does not see you strong health, as own ears. Especially touches those who are often lost on the treadmill.

For main runners – probably the carbs. And they take out of glycogen. Glycogen is probably the pattern of conservation of energy in the human body, coia through 30-40 minutes of aerobic treatments are also depleted. And then begins the episode as soon desire to die. In such situations just need correct feeding, which will not throw you out of the running.
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How useful breathing exercises

Normal breathing of a person is very superficial and only captures a third of the volume of the lungs. When driving deepens breathing somewhat, although often at the expense of increasing the number of breaths.

Special exercises are being forced to work most of the lungs, increasing the proportion of entrants in the blood of oxygen.

How useful breathing exercises? It gives you the opportunity to calm down, quick break, to control their emotional state. Elements of gymnastics for proper breathing succesfully used before bed, and before morning


A certain type of breathing can be used not only during the day of rest, but at any time when you need to be in balance, refresh the brain, to focus on the state of his spirit. Continue reading

Fitnes watches and brasery with heart rate monitor – buy smart watches for fitnes in brand

The fitnes watch will give you the perfect physical form

A watch that can do everything

Why you need to buy the fitnes watch Garmin?:

Fitnes bracelets are actually created not only for fitnes, they will be useful in everyday life, helping you monitor your physical activity during the day. The bracelet will remind you of what you need to do workout if you have been without movement for some time;

The best fitnes watches Garmin is able to generate for its owner’s personal goals, reaching which you will be able to achieve close to the desired physical shape much faster; Continue reading

Fitnes on your maste
“Fitnes” in the workplace – this is real If You have a sedentary job in…

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Fitnes watches and brasery with heart rate monitor - buy smart watches for fitnes in brand
The fitnes watch will give you the perfect physical form A watch that can do…


Nordic walking
Nordic walking In today's world more and more people are beginning to pay attention to your…
