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Training to compete for overcoming obstacles

To start naprawiania horses don’t know when it has already pased the first stage of the dresage. Having started work on the obstacles, should be in parallel to further improve special dresage. We need to ensure that the horse is reacting to the actions Twister and reins, was balanced, had sufficient momentum and flexibility, easily “pased” in the back of his head, hanisah and jaw.

However, we must leave the horse, so she won’t lose the ability to stretch

their neck out on request of the rider and to keep contact with the occasion.

It is important that the horse is intended for competitions in show jumping competitions, was able to change at the canter leg. This is useful for pasing courses with frequent turns.

Go jumping horse mainly on the bridle, mostly on a thick bit.

For naprawiania horses use all the posible variety of obstacles. Work on the obstacles should not cause the horse severe emotional overstimulation.

Succes can be only when the coach and the rider is quite versed in the physiological foundations of exercise and correctly apply appropriate methods and techniques naprawiania, based on the individual characteristics of the horse.

The experience, flair will help the rider never give the horse the reason for the resistance and obstinacy.

In the clasroom with obstacles always should first perform razminku walk, trot and canter, and then use different exercises (decrease and increase the tempo, volts, stop, settlement, turns round and round “on the forehand” and “as”, changes of direction, repeated rises in gallop, etc.) to bring it into a state of total obedience to the rider.

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