What not to eat before a morning run
What not to eat before a morning run Even if you normally run in the morning…

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Nordic walking
Nordic walking In today's world more and more people are beginning to pay attention to your…

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Training to compete for overcoming obstacles
To start naprawiania horses don't know when it has already pased the first stage of…



Scientists have developed a vest slimming

Scientists have developed a vest for weight los. American scientists have invented a special high-tech cooling vest that will allow you to burn an additional 500 calories a day. It cools the body, which helps speed up the metabolism proces.

Profesor, University of California Wayne Hayes came up with specific vest, which you can use to quickly reduce body temperature, forcing it to generate more heat. This proces, our body performs by burning fat that

contains “spare” calories. According to Profesor Hayes, his unique model allows you to burn an additional 500 calories per day, which will give the opportunity to lose about a pound a week. Continue reading

Tip of the day from X-Fit. Drink cherry juice after a workout on
Tip of the day from X-Fit. Drink cherry juice after a workout This advice give…

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Effective diet is the right foods and exercise
Effective diet is the right foods and exercise In various specialized magazines, Internet portals, and…


The training gear sanlam
In the area of group programs, runs a wide range of clases, more than 30…
