Scientists have calculated the ideal physical exercise for human - health and Beauty - Man
A person needs time in the day to do one hundred steps per minute for…

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Effective diet is the right foods and exercise
Effective diet is the right foods and exercise In various specialized magazines, Internet portals, and…

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The TV channel "Saint-Petersburg" - news - the loft projects begin to practice yoga
The loft project will begin to practice yoga In St. Petersburg opened a Finnish plant…



Sports nutrition is something to chew on before the run – Mens MPort portal

Sports nutrition: what to chew on before the race

For runners important is carbohydrates. And they come from glycogen. Glycogen is the storage form of energy in the human body, which after 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise is also depleted. And then there comes a time when you want to die. In such situations, you need a proper diet, which will not allow you to go the distance.

The mechanics of the proces

After eating in the blood raises the level of glucose. Continue reading

Effective diet is the right foods and exercise

Effective diet is the right foods and exercise

In various specialized magazines, Internet portals, and on television today you can find hundreds of diets. However, only a small percentage of them are able to lead to the desired result.

Often, the thinner the dry diet of the patient, after a certain time the weight not only comes back, but it increases even more. Innovative techniques for weight los became diet Sergey Agapkin. In the opinion of a physician reabilitologa each person needs individually to choose the power mode.

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Workout at work

What is the office worker, I know firsthand. This continuous sitting in a chair for 8 hours (the rest of the lunch or break). Even those who have the opportunity to walk during lunch will not be superfluous to use the information below.

This lifestyle can lead to numerous health problems. Lack of exercise will result in weight gain. Don’t move and take food In a sitting position, decreased blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. Aching lower back and legs. The upper body is experiencing muscle tension, but you don’t notice.

How to get out of this situation, while in the workplace, you ask?

Could not be easier. Have to put the equipment, organize the bar and purchase the track. It’s a joke of course. Not many offices offset the cost of fitnes. Then what is required from you? You will need regular load during the working day. Continue reading

Scientists have calculated the ideal physical exercise for human - health and Beauty - Man
A person needs time in the day to do one hundred steps per minute for…

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Chocolate milk better than an energy drink allows you to recover after a workout has proven physiologists
Chocolate milk better than an energy drink allows you to recover after a workout has…


Qigong (Chinese gymnastics)
The last record Qigong (Chinese gymnastics) Technique qigong: use and efficiency What does this term?…
