Effective diet is the right foods and exercise
Effective diet is the right foods and exercise In various specialized magazines, Internet portals, and…

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Nordic walking
Nordic walking In today's world more and more people are beginning to pay attention to your…

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The fastest way to get an answer — to find it in this section. Here…



How useful breathing exercises

Normal breathing of a person is very superficial and only captures a third of the volume of the lungs. When driving deepens breathing somewhat, although often at the expense of increasing the number of breaths.

Special exercises are being forced to work most of the lungs, increasing the proportion of entrants in the blood of oxygen.

How useful breathing exercises? It gives you the opportunity to calm down, quick break, to control their emotional state. Elements of gymnastics for proper breathing succesfully used before bed, and before morning


A certain type of breathing can be used not only during the day of rest, but at any time when you need to be in balance, refresh the brain, to focus on the state of his spirit. Continue reading

Qigong (Chinese gymnastics)

The last record

Qigong (Chinese gymnastics)

Technique qigong: use and efficiency

What does this term? This is probably the first question asked by people who first heard this word. To fully understand and realize that this term denotes, it is translated into Rusian language. Initially, this is a Chinese word which consists of two characters, respectively, qi and Gong. They each have their own particular translation of which can be folded holistic concept. Of course, the Chinese language, you can translate a few

Rusian words, but to be absolutely precise, the character qi means energy. Although of course in Chinese, this character can be translated in different words. It contains a deep concept. Continue reading

Useful for the organism properties yogi


A pillow for your back “Yoga is a friend you can apply in your car on the car seat and on the chair / the chair in the office.

How to use “Yoga friend”

Wrap “Yoga friend” around your car seat or office chair, placing the pillow-front corrector so that when You relax, she was directly behind Your sternum..

The area of impact
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Nutrition before, during and after training
Nutrition before, during and after training Nutrition before, during and after exercise is of huge importance.…

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Fitnes as a way zhizni
What is included in the fitnes First it should be noted that fitnes is not…


Sports without proper nutrition is imposible - PerDay - information news portal. Last
Say what you will, but diet plays a huge role in the succes of the…
